Friday, November 4, 2016

Elgin Branch OGS November 9 Meeting 2016

         Notice for the upcoming November meeting of the Elgin Branch. It will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 at the St. Thomas Public Library. Jean Bircham, one of Elgin's MVPs and knowledgable volunteers, will be presenting a very useful topic on Newspapers - "What can I find in them". I am sure we have all read Newspapers before and think we know what's in it, but I think we will all find this presentation both enlightening and useful in assisting us in our ongoing genealogy researching.

           In addition, this meeting will allow members attending the meeting to elect the Branch's Executive Team for 2017. This an excellent opportunity to ensure that the direction of our Branch is in good hands.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Elgin OGS September Meeting 2016

Meeting Elgin OGS Meeting

Topic: Aylmer Baptist Church, 200 years
Date: Wednesday, 14th September 2016

Time: 7-9 pm

Place: Carnegie Room, St Thomas Public Library

Speaker:  Barbara Cross, member of Aylmer Baptist Church
Reference material about Church records and Aylmer History available at the meeting.

All  Welcome.       No Charge.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Talbot Settlement Life Now Online

Talbot Settlement life now online
check out the following link

Monday, April 11, 2016

Elgin Branch OGS May 11, 2016 Meeting

                    May 11th, 2016 Meeting Notice for Elgin Branch OGS

Friday, April 8, 2016

Elgin Branch OGS - Backus Page Events 2016

Backus Page Museum Upcoming events for 2016 of interest to researchers

Elgin County OGS - First Great War Exhibit - May 2016

First Great War Exhibit news article in the Aylmer Express

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Elgin Branch OGS - George Thorman Room

Research Facilities for Genealogy - George Thorman Room St Thomas Public Library - St Thomas, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Elgin Branch OGS - Research Guide Link

An excellent research guide can be found using the following link.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Elgin Branch OGS - New Research Email address

Our new address for Research requests is:

Elgin Branch OGS New Website address

Our new website address is:

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Elgin Branch OGS - 100th Anniversary of the Elgin 91st Battalion leaving for France

June 24-26 is the 100th Anniversary of the 91st Battalion leaving for France. 

The Elgin Regiment is having an event to remember the men of the 91st and other men from Elgin who served in WW1. 

Part of the event is finding and contacting the descendants of the men and invite them to participate in the event. 

The nominal roll of these men will be posted on several of our Blog pages for individuals to check. 

 If you find someone you recognize please contact Mark Morse UE at:

(click image to enlarge for viewing)

91st - Battalion Cover

91st - Officers to Andrews

91st - Andrews to Blackburn

91st - Blake to Cabot

91st - Cady to Cornwall

91st - Coulson to Dunlop

91st - Dunn to Gay

91st - Gibson to Hancock

91st - Hanley to Irvine

91st - Irwin to Knight

91st - Koren to Marshall

91st - Marshall to McVey

91st - McVicar to Oxford

91st - Page to Powers

91st - Powels to Rutter

91st - Ryan to Snell

91st - Snelling to Tuff

91st - Tufford to Welch

91st - Welch to Zinka

If you find someone you recognize please contact Mark Morse UE at:

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Elgin Branch OGS March 2016 Meeting

Family History!   Genealogy!
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Contests         Games        Prizes
Play stump the audience with your
questions & articles !

Elgin County Branch, OGS Meeting
Wednesday, 9 March 2016 - Carnegie Room, St Thomas Library     
7:00 – 9:00 pm