Wednesday, January 28, 2015

First Sunday School in Malahide - Elgin County OGS

The following link leads to a September 1984 Talbot Times article about the first Sunday School in Malahide which features a small list of names.

Malahide Sunday School Talbot Times -1984 September 

Elgin County OGS - Richmond, Oldest Place in Elgin Settlement. Names featured - Cook, McKinney

The village of Richmond is discussed in the Talbot Times article apprearing in September 1984.

Richmond - Talbot Times - 1984 September 

Elgin County OGS - Port Bruce Article 1952 - Names featured Lewis, Thompson, Davis, Dalley, Young, Johnson

The link below leads to a September 1984 article in the Talbot Times entitled "Port Bruce, Where Fabled Robocores Rambled, Was Once Busy With Industry"

Port Bruce article - Talbot Times - 1984 September 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Elgin County OGS - Somervilles of Rodney

Two articles appear in the June 1984 Talbot Times.

1. 68 years married - Somervilles of Rodney, and

2. St. Thomas Times Journal Tidbits 1831 - 1832

Talbot Times June 1984 article link 

Articles are at the end of the newsletter

Elgin County OGS - James and John McKinlay letter - Talbot Times

Aldborough, Elgin County - 24 October 1919 - A letter appears in the March 1984 Talbot Times towards the end of the newsletter, written by James McKinlay to his brother John.

McKinlay letter - Talbot -Times - 1984 - March 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Elgin County OGS - List of Wardens 1852 to 1983

Friendship Autograph Album - 1842 to 1846 - list of names, and Elgin County Wardens 1852 to 1983.
Two separate lists of names featured in the Talbot Times

Lists of names - 1983 - March 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Elgin County OGS - Malahide Bearen Regular Baptist Church Article - December 1982 Talbot Times

Malahide Bearen Regular Baptist Church and Cemetery List - 1850 article from the Haggan Papers Talbot Times - December 1982

Malahide Bearen Church -1982 - December 

Elgin County OGS - Caughell Family - 1905

Caughell Family article - 1905 in the September 1982 Talbot Times

Caughell Family Article -1982-september

Elgin County OGS - Annett Family in Elgin County article - 1829

Annett Family comes to Elgin County - from the June 1982 Talbot Times

Captain Robert Anett Family article - June 1982 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Elgin OGS Recent Updates

The Elgin Branch OGS continues to add research information to the website. The link below will take you to January updates for 2015 along with those for 2014.

Elgin OGS Recent Updates for 2015 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Abandoned Places in Elgin County Ontario Canada

The site below leads to various abandoned locations in Elgin County that may contain genealogy or history information for researchers.

Abandoned Places in Elgin County Ontario Canada 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Elgin County Historical Society Link

Another interesting website for Elgin researchers - Elgin Historical Society website link -